Water Pollution

Muslimin Banto Ontong
3 min readMar 9, 2021

God can do anything. People are incredibly destructive and tend to destroy, all in all. Water pollution is now becoming a significant issue in our society. Ocean, rivers, and other water ecosystems, even drinking water, are being polluted. It is damage that no one sees until it is too late. Very few methods are needed to deal with this pollution, and more must be found to achieve those goals. I do have this on my mind, What is going to happen in the future? Can our children still see the beautiful sunset of the ocean? Or will the sea become the trash of garbage?

In the future, many people will struggle with the toxicity of pollution. Thomas Haugersveen(n.d) shares his view; pollution may ruin landscapes, contaminates water and soil or animals. Pollution may also harm humans. Chronic lung disease like this can result from long-long-term exposure to pollution. Toxic chemicals in top predators make some species unsafe to eat. Two billion people lack access to clean water, and nearly four billion have poor sanitation, which puts them at risk. People can drink safe and clean water because of the new technology. However, some people do not have that they regularly drink water from lake or well. In Iraq, it is estimated that in the province of Basra, 60,000 people have consumed contaminated water and have been poisoned (“Report: Dirty drinking water poisons 60,000 Iraqis”, 2018).

The first causes of water pollution are sewage and fertilizers in the water. It creates a problem for all the organisms because the algae and aquatic plants thrive on nutrients. It will impact the water supply. Waste carries off oxygen and cuts off the water flow in rivers and streams. When these nutrients go down, they harm all the organisms in the ecosystem. Breathing water also takes oxygen from the atmosphere as we do humans. Without oxygen, all aquatic organisms would perish. It would be a huge mistake. To significantly decrease the fish population’s ability to survive, a radical reduction in the amount of oxygen is required. Finding the cause for this problem would be as simple as testing the water quality and eliminating the causes.

Water population could be the worst thing to occur in our future. But hopefully, we are not let that happens. In order to control the water pollution with limited resources is to teach your kids how we resegregate garbage. Banning using straw might be helpful to our environment but the way to be eco-friendly is must be thinking yourself first. As you respect yourself you must do that as well in the environment.


Report: Dirty drinking water poisons 60,000 Iraqis. Middle East Monitor. (2018, September 13). https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180913-report-dirty-drinking-water-poisons-60000-iraqis/.

Haugersveen, T. Pollution. WWF. https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/pollution.

